WeP Project Agreement

WeP Project Name:(*)
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Principal Investigator

First Name:(*)
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Middle Name:
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Last Name:(*)
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Date of Birth

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Mailing Address

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Address Line 1:
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Address Line 2:
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Zip Code:
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Key word/Acronym (for data identification)

Identification code:(*)
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It is essential for data-retrieval to add this exact key word to the referral line as seen below in the preferred language, e.g. English or German.

Identification code de  

Identification code de  

Short description of project

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Instruments used on the WeP if not evident from the project flow The WeP is used as:

1. data entry service (scientists will enter the data)

2. semi-public instrument for subjects participating in the project described above (i.e., subjects receive a web address to fill out a WeP-based instrument, such as a questionnaire)

3. as stationary system in a clinic, lab, or exhibition setting where patients/subjects enter data (i.e., subjects come to a specific location and are asked to sit sown at one or more computers to fill out a WeP-based instrument, such as a questionnaire)

Estimated time frame of the project


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Estimated number of participants
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The Project has received official ethical approval
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Units/Entries (1-100) (100-200) (200-500) (>500)
academic € 2,00 € 1,00 € 0,80 € 0,50
non-academic € 20,00 € 10,00 € 8,00 € 5,00

minimum price of € 100

Please choose your pricing
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only for Academic/Non-Profit Provide proof of your academic status

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Terms of Service
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Our references

Here you can find our publications 


Want to Participate?
Are you interested in running your study via theWeP? Then just email us